Poster Image

Scarlett Alexis

Gender: Other

Date of Birth: 2000-08-15

Description: It is not often the audience can see such a sophisticated figure as Scarlett. Both pedicures and manicures, all dressed up; an art dealer and a musician. It sounds almost unreal, but trust us – it is. Born on August 15, 2000, this rising star comes from Phoenix, Arizona, USA. As mentioned, she is all in art, in its every form, and from an early age. It all started with music and a piano. Some other instruments came along the way, but she stuck with her original choice ultimately. Scarlett also engages in art dealerships across the states, discovering new talents and promoting old ones. She even enjoys the art of cocking. However, the one that now draws her attention is perhaps the finest, and she is ready to get deep into it.
