Bridgette B
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 1983-10-15
Description: Born in Barcelona, Spain, on October 15th 1983, this Spanish blond made her first porn movie in 2008 when she was twenty-five years old. Brigitte B. is her actual and only pseudonym and her real name is Luz Abreu. But, even though she is born in Europe she has started her career in the United States of America where she moved in 2004. Before engaging herself in the porn industry, she was attending Kent State University of Ohio, where she was a member of the sorority Chi Omega. She didn’t drop out college, but she graduated and holds a bachelor degree in Fashion Merchandizing.
Before she ended up in the porn industry she was working as a stripper while she was still in college. She didn’t start as usually most of her co-workers did (with, masturbating videos or nude photo sessions) but she hit it off hard from the very beginning, appearing in a lot of different genres in the porn industry such as POV, anal, oral, threesome etc.
Brigitte B is known for her large breasts and she is especially beloved among her fans because of them, even though it is not a secret that she has silicone implants. The sweet brown eyed girl has the hot Spanish genes and is stunning when comes to her performances. Her 59 kilograms combined with 172 cm of height are making her look like a real life Barbie and her measurements are simply ideal – 85B is the size of her amazing breasts, 68 cm waist and 86 cm for her hips. She has three tattoos – one on the back of her neck which says “Spanish doll”, a letter right next to her navel and the third one on her wrists which is in French and says “Jealousy is a sickness”.